November 1, 2019
Happy November! Last month the children learned about Halloween, Fall, Columbus Day, Fire Prevention and Safety. The children had so much fun dressing up in their Halloween Costumes and enjoyed the party. THANK YOU to all who contributed to making our party a wonderful success!
November has arrived and the children have a sense of anticipation of the upcoming holiday season. This month we will talk about Five Senses, Health & Hygiene, Fall Animals, and Thanksgiving. We will also be continuing to work on numbers, letters, shapes, colors, days of the week, months, and weather.
The Nursery and Preschool Classes will be working on poems, Fall themed artwork, new songs, writing skills with “Handwriting Without Tears”, learning how to write and spell their name, letters, numbers and shapes. We will be working with the letters Cc, Kk, Ee, and numbers 7, 8, 9, colors, patterns, months, seasons. The children also enjoy doing music, movement and exercise everyday. They are really doing well and love to do their projects too! We will be doing an apple graph and reading apple stories!
Everyday at circle time the Toddler Class will continue name Recognition, Shapes, Numbers, Colors and Alphabet Recognition. The children also enjoy doing music, movement and exercise everyday. They are really doing well and love to do their projects too!
In our Five Senses Unit, the children will be touching different objects; for example, cotton & sandpaper to learn the difference between soft and rough. They are smelling, and tasting different foods, such as apples and oranges. They are listening to different sounds of instruments and music and of course they are seeing everything around them. We will make many projects to decorate our class.
In our Health & Hygiene Unit we will be discussing why it is important, and what we should do to keep our body healthy and the many healthy foods we can eat to stay strong and grow.
In our Fall Animals Unit, the children will be learning all of the different animals that hibernate for the winter, such as, bears, turtles, chipmunks, etc. We will make many fun projects and decorate our classroom with our works of art!
In our Thanksgiving Unit, we will be discussing Thanksgiving, Native Americans and their food. The children will be making many projects for Thanksgiving. Please be sure to look around the classroom for your child’s art projects as you come in.
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Wednesday, November 27th. A sign-up sheet is hung up for anyone that would like to donate a goodie for the party. We will be gathering for a feast and the children will be sampling the different foods used by the Native Americans and the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving feast. Please be creative with the healthy snacks, Thank you!
As part of our focus on Thanksgiving, our class is collecting non-perishable food items to fill a “Giving Basket”. The basket of food will be donated to a family in need in time for Thanksgiving. As the food is collected, our class will take inventory on the contents of the basket to practice our counting and categorizing skills. Your contribution in this effort will be greatly appreciated. If you can, please send the food item in as soon as you can or no later than Friday, Nov. 15th.
We now have Quick Pay – The new and easy way to pay your child’s tuition! This is available through an email invoice which will be sent to you monthly. The directions are on our website for online and automatic payments, please refer to the e-flier for a direct link and instructions. If you are interested in Direct Deposit from your bank it is now available, please contact Dawn for further information.
Please don’t forget, each month tuition is the full tuition price and due on the 1st, no later than the 10th. A late fee of $35 will be charged for any payments made after the 10th of the month and the provided Credit Card will be charged on the 11th of the month with a 3% processing fee unless other arrangements have been made between the parent and provider in writing.
Please be sure to watch or check online Channel 12 News or call the schools voicemail, and we now have an automated phone message for any days we will be closed or for important information.
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