Welcome to our new website!

IMG_9657Miss Dawn’s Child Care’s is proud to announce the release of our brand new exciting website. 

It’s bursting with fun information and a wonderful interactive website for parents.


It has been re-designed to provide instant access, expanded capabilities, and increased connection.


Immediately you will notice a plethera of information, easy and user-friendly navigation and access to the important information you need, any time of day.IMG_9636


The website has a weekly news section and a monthly video that will be filled with exciting new information for you to read! Please feel free to comment and leave a reply. We LOVE to hear from you! If you didn’t do so already, we would love for you to write a testimonial and email to missdawnschildcare@gmail.com.

MISSDAWNSLIDERMOREI would like to thank everyone and appreciate all of your continuous support as we strive to bring you best in everything we do!….. Have a Great Day! 



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