Dear Parents,
Our splendiferous summer camp is about to begin! There are many fun and exciting events we have planned for July and August. The calendar of events are posted on the website for you to see what each day has in store for your child/children. Please check the calendar each night for the next day’s events as some events include, pajama day, show and tell, etc. so that your child is prepared for the next day.
The calendar is color coded by school. The events highlighted in green are the special programs for both schools. The events highlighted in blue are the activities for both schools. The events highlighted in yellow are the special events for the Melville School and the events highlighted in purple are the special events for the Huntington School.
We are looking forward to all of the amazing events and activities! Please send in the the camp fee asap as it makes it possible to have all of these wonderful events at school. The camp fee is $50 per child for each month. Only for the months of July and August.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a great summer!!
Miss Dawn
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